Monday, February 9, 2009

If you are looking for porn, you aren't going to find any here. Yet.

This creation of this joint blog was my brilliant plan to ride on Daanish's coattails, because people actually seem to read his blog and have legitimate things to say about it. My reader base is probably approximately close to the number of people who find themselves routinely watching Wings reruns at 6:30 AM Monday-Friday (which consists of myself, and maybe a couple other people).

I know this because I have installed some phenomenal technology that allows me to track where it is being read from (roughly) and where it was referred from. My favorite part of this is that if it is referred from a search engine, I know exactly what someone was looking for, and how disappointed they probably are. So what I want to know is, why do google searches for things like "no one to blame for my own mistakes" keep being directed to my blogs? I guess the more disturbing of these results is why someone searching for "xxx older women pictures" would end up on my blogs. I'm not THAT desperate for readership. Maybe I'm taking google too personally but I'm starting to get a complex.


Daanish said...

You do remember that the only place I and my coattails seem to go is rock bottom right?

Ashley said...

Well I was bound to find that out eventually.

By the way, my statistics counter tells me that you and I are the only ones who read this blog. And even we seem to have better things to do.

Daanish said...

We just need to publicize more. How about we tell random people at bars all about it? In my experience, I can't remember it not working... wait... or is it that I can't remember it at all? Wait. Nevermind.

Ashley said...

You know what's kind of funny? I did that once. And I don't even remember doing it. Someone asked for my number at a bar and I gave him my blog address instead. Then later on I heard that I did that and was like weeelll that's pretty losery. But he liked my blog. I wonder if he is reading this ... probably not.

Daanish said...

Actually, that was me you gave me your blog address too. And I didn't ask for your number. I asked for my Manhattan, which had "mysteriously" disappeared.

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