(Picture of amateur, lifeless sketches of cubes and squiggles)
Is this you? Are you only able to draw cubes and squiggly lines? Do you find yourself at a loss as to how to fill your notes with doodles during long meetings?
No problem! Just anthropomorphize them. Any good cube can take on typical human activity. And while you’re at it, make them edible.
In case you were wondering what exactly I do here … I don’t have any more time on my hands than anyone else (this is a purely literal examination). But I do have a generous supply of Post-it Notes and ballpoint pens at work (perhaps too generous for their expected use). Also, my co-workers and I have reached an unspoken mutual agreement that I will do the least amount of work of everyone.
You may notice some errors or contradictions within these sketches. For example, light sources may seem to be coming from several disparate, absurd directions. Or perhaps you may think to yourself, well I don’t think that cheese can really ice skate all that well and I’m not entirely sure they can grow a mustache either. I’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that they are only cartoon blocks of cheese. They’re not perfect. And neither are you.
Oh, got to go. Time for lunch.

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